Increase Visibility with Athlogic Recruiting

Athlogic offers high school football teams free access to our mobile application where fans, parents, coaches, referees, and journalists can easily enter data in real-time from the sidelines or bleachers. Using a proprietary data governance system that incorporates a variety of checks in place, including technologies like AI/ML and blockchain, data on athletes and teams on Athlogic Recruiting reliably displays the most accurate data compared to the current solutions.
The free mobile application allows teams to record over 200 “on-the-field” performance metrics as well as many “off-the-field” metrics to create a comprehensive profile on these athletes for an objective recruitment analysis. We also offer access to Athlogic Film, a premium offering for Athlogic where teams can upload game film to be automatically clipped and tagged to the respective play. When available, recruiters subscribed to Athlogic Film also receive access to film. These clips can be filtered by recruiters to find plays meeting their criteria from any combination of the 200 “on-the-field” metrics.

Our Vision

Equal Opportunity

With Athlogic, all students no matter where they come from will have an equal opportunity to be seen be a college recruiter